The Temblors Blues Band
Instrumental Blues Originals and Covers
Kurtus Richter, Guitar. Jack Dawson, Keys. Terry Daly, Harmonica.
Recordings produced by Kurtus Richter, and recorded in Kurtus' home in Asheville, NC.
Album Title: The Temblors Blues Band
Note: A "temblor" is a type of small earthquake.
Our original backing-tracks are given below, for players to jam with.
Put your own lyrics to them and even overlay your own melodies.
Listen to our full-band instrumental versions free on Sound Cloud.
Go to,
which automatically plays all 17 songs.
Click this link for Kurtus's Blog.
Contact Information: Call Kurtus at (828) 279-0955, or email
Kurtus' resume' is given at the bottom of this webpage.
Chords for these songs are given below the following song bars.
Note: Songs do not auto-play here, one after the other. Play them individually.
1 Your Lovin' Man Key: C
2 Slow Blues Key: A
3 Funk 1 Key: D# Minor
4 Funk 2 Key: A# Minor
5 Funk 3 Key: F#
6 Funk 4 Key: D
7 You Got My Heart Key B Minor
8 Boogie 1 Key B Minor
9 Boogie 2 Key: A# Minor
10 She's A Flame Key: E
11 Latin Groove 1 Key: G#
12 Latin Groove 2 Key: A
13 Always, Part 1 Key: G
14 Always, Part 2 Key: G
15 You're So Fine Key: A Minor
16 Tell Me Key: C
17 Can I Bother You? Key: A
Note: Streaming of songs depends on reliability of internet connections. If you have trouble streaming the songs here, try the SoundCloud link above. If you also have trouble streaming at SoundCloud, the issue is with your connection (e.g., this can happen with bad weather affecting satellite feeds, maintenance issues with cable connections, too many people overloading a server, etc.). In that case, call your service provider.
Chords & Lyrics For The Above Songs Composer: Kurtus Richter
1 Your Lovin’ Man
Key C. Standard 12-bar blues. Up-tempo 4/4 time. Big-band feel.
Prog || C7 | C7 | C7 | C7 || F7 | F7 | C7 | C7 || G7 | F7 | C7 | C7 G7 ||
Intro [Drummer sets the beat; one measure.]
Hook [Prog x 1, with special riff.]
Verse 1: [Prog x 1, with following lyrics.]
Can I get to know you? Would you let me be your lovin’ man?
Could I come and see you? Will you let me hold you by the hand?
Would you let me be your lovin’ man?
Instrumental Part [Prog x 1, with melody only.]
Instrumental Part [Prog x 1, with melody + ad-lib.]
Hook [Prog x 1, with special riff.]
Verse 2: [Prog x 1, with following lyrics.]
Will you let me show you what it’s like if I’m your lovin' man?
When I embrace you, would you merely pull yourself away.
Won’t you let me be your lovin’ man?
Instrumental Part [Prog x 1, with melody + ad-lib.]
Instrumental Part [Prog x 1, with melody + ad-lib.]
Hook [Prog x 1, with special riff.]
Verse 3: [Prog x 1, with following lyrics.]
Can’t you see I’d love you? I’d love you like no one has before.
Would you let me love you? You would even be crying out for more.
Can’t you let me be your lovin’ man?
Instrumental Part [Prog x 1, with melody + ad-lib.]
Hook [Prog x 1, with special riff.]
Solo [Prog x 3.]
Hook [Prog x 1, with special riff.]
Solo [Prog x 3.]
Hook [Prog x 1, with special Riff.]
End Jam [Prog x 2, with melody + all soloists ad-libbing.]
End || C || [Fermata.]
2 Slow Blues
Instrumental. Key of A. Quick 6/8 time, but slow feel.
Main Groove is slow Blues. Bridge is slow Jazz.
Count like two sets of three 8th-notes per measure; | (1,2,3) (1,2,3) |.
|| Drums | Drums || [Kick on first 1, snare on second 1; per measure.]
|| E5(add9) | E5(add9) | D5(add9) | D9 || A7 | D9 | A7 | E7 || [Chords only.]
Main Groove
|| A A6 | A7 A6 | D9 | D9 || A A6 | A7 A6 | A A6 | A7 A6 ||
|| D9 | D9 | D9 | D9 || A A6 | A7 A6 | A A6 | A7 A6 ||
|| E5(add9) | E5(add9) | D5(add9) | D9 || A7 | D9 | A7 | E7 ||
|| A | Amaj7 | A7 | A6 || D | Dmaj7 | D7 | D69 ||
|| A7 | F#m7 | B9 | E7 || A7 | Cm7 | Bm7 | B𝄬m7 ||
|| A7 | A7 | E9 | E9(add6) E9 ||
Intro [Drums start, then Ensemble (chords only).]
Main Melody 1 [Main Groove, no ad-lib.]
Main Melody 2 [Main Groove, with ad-lib.]
Bridge Melody 1 [Bridge, no ad-lib.]
Main Melody 3 [Main Groove, with ad-lib.]
Solo 1 [Main Groove.]
Main Melody 4 [Main Groove, with ad-lib.]
Main Melody 5 [Main Groove, with ad-lib.]
Bridge Melody 2 [Bridge, with ad-lib.]
Main Melody 6 [Main Groove, with ad-lib.]
Solo 2 [Main Groove, with melody in last phrase.]
End || A || [Fermata with long sustain, brief fade.]
The following “Funk” songs were originally meant to be played as a 4-song medley.
3 Funk 1
Instrumental. Key of E𝄬m. Moderate 4/4 timing. Jazzy blues.
Intro || One iteration through the Main Progression’s chords. ||
Main Progression
Hint: Guitar rhythm sets overall groove. Observe alternation
between the Em high notes; the 3rd in E𝄬m7 and the 9th in E𝄬m9.
And keep playing the same two notes when doing the A𝄬7, but
play the last four bars normally.
|| E𝄬m7 E𝄬m9 | E𝄬m7 E𝄬m9 | E𝄬m7 E𝄬m9 | E𝄬m7 E𝄬m9 ||
|| A𝄬7 A𝄬7(add6) | A𝄬7 A𝄬(add6) | E𝄬m7 E𝄬m9 | E𝄬m7 E𝄬m9 ||
|| B𝄬7 | A𝄬7 | E𝄬m7 E𝄬m9 | B𝄬7 ||
Hint: Use same high notes as above, but slow change between chords.
|| E𝄬m7 | E𝄬m9 | E𝄬m7 | E𝄬m9 ||
|| A𝄬7 | A𝄬7(add6) | E𝄬m7 | E𝄬m9 ||
|| B𝄬7 | A𝄬7 | E𝄬m9 | B𝄬7 ||
Intro [Main Progression x 1, chords only.]
Main Melody 1 [Main Progression, no ad-lib.]
Main Melody 2 [Main Progression, with ad-lib.]
Solo 1 [Main Progression x 1.]
Bridge Melody [Bridge, no ad-lib.]
Main Melody 3 [Main Progression x 1, with ad-lib.]
Main Melody 4 [Main Progression x 1, with ad-lib.]
Solo 2 [Main Progression x 1, with melody near end.]
End [Double staccato.]
4 Funk 2
Instrumental. Key of B𝄬m. Moderate 4/4 timing. Choppy groove.
Guitar uses power-chords (no 3rd; e.g. F5) for all except F9 at end of progression.
Keyboard may use jazz chords throughout, if desired.
|| B𝄬m | B𝄬m | B𝄬m | B𝄬m || E𝄬m | E𝄬m | B𝄬m | B𝄬m || F5 | E5 | B𝄬5 | F9 ||
Intro [Progression x 1, chords only.]
Melody 1 [Progression x 1, no ad-lib.]
Melody 2 [Progression x 1, with ad-lib.]
Solo [Progression x 1.]
Melody 3 [Progression x 2, with ad-lib.]
Abrupt stop at end of last iteration of Progression.
Short pause before next song.
5 Funk 3
Instrumental. Key of F#. Quick 4/4 timing. Play in a very funky style.
Hint: Guitar quickly uses the 6th then 𝄬6th then 5th as high notes in the F#7 of measures 1, 3, and 7;
and the same with the B9 of measure 5; but not elsewhere; and the last four chords are power-chords.
|| F#7 | F#7 | F# | F#7 || B9 | B9 | F#7 | F#7 || G# | G | F# | G ||
Intro [Progression x 1, chords only.]
Melody 1 [Progression x 1, no ad-lib.]
Melody 2 [Progression x 1, with ad-lib.]
Solo [Progression x 1.]
Melody 3 [Progression x 2, with ad-lib.]
Abrupt stop at end of last iteration of Progression.
Go immediately to the next song.
6 Funk 4
Instrumental. Key of D. Moderate 4/4 timing. Laid-back jazzy groove.
|| D9 | D9 | D9 | D9 || G7sus | G7 | D9 | D9 || E | E𝄬 | D | E𝄬 ||
Intro [Progression x 1, chords only.]
Melody 1 [Progression x 1, no ad-lib.]
Melody 2 [Progression x 1, with ad-lib.]
Solo [Progression x 1.]
Melody 3 [Progression x 1, with ad-lib.]
Abrupt stop at end of last iteration of Progression.
Hint: G7sus = G7sus4; i.e., raised third = third replaced by fourth.
The following three songs were originally meant to be played as a 3-song medley
7 You Got My Heart
Key Bm. Moderate 4/4 timing. Spooky 12-bar groove.
|| Bm | Bm D | Bm | Bm D || Em | Em D | Bm | Bm || G | F# | Bm | D ||
Intro [Progression x 1, chords only.]
Verse 1: [Progression x 1, with following lyrics, no ad-lib.]
No way to hide from you. Nowhere to run.
No gettin’ over you. Not on my own.
You took my soul. I’m not alone.
Verse 2: [Progression x 1, with following lyrics, plus ad-lib.]
I’m all in love with you. Can’t break away.
Try as I may with you, there is no way.
You got my heart. My love.
Instrumental [Progression x 1, with melody and ad-lib.]
Verse 3: [Progression x 1, with following lyrics, plus ad-lib.]
Consider one clue from me. Be careful this day.
If you’re in love for true, you can’t be afraid.
Surrender your heart to love.
Solo [Progression x 1.]
Instrumental [Progression x 1, with melody and ad-lib.]
Stop at end of last Progression.
Short pause before next song.
8 Boogie 1
Instrumental. Key of Bm. Up-beat 4/4 timing. Rock style groove.
|| Bm | Bm | Bm | Bm || Em | Em | Bm | Bm || G | F# | Bm | F#7 ||
Intro [Progression x 1, no ad-lib.]
Melody 1 [Progression x 1, no ad-lib.]
Melody 2 [Progression x 1, with ad-lib.]
Solo [Progression x 1.]
Melody 3 [Progression x 1, with ad-lib.]
Melody 4 [Progression x 1, with ad-lib.]
Stop at end of last Progression.
Very short pause before next song.
9 Boogie 2
Instrumental. Key of B𝄬. Moderate 4/4 timing. Bouncy boogie style groove.
|| B𝄬7 | E𝄬9 | B𝄬7 | B𝄬7 || E𝄬9 | E𝄬9 | B𝄬7 | B𝄬7 || G | F | B𝄬7 | B𝄬7 ||
Intro [Progression x 1, no ad-lib.]
Melody 1 [Progression x 1, no ad-lib.]
Melody 2 [Progression x 1, with ad-lib.]
Solo [One iteration of Progression.]
Melody 3 [Progression x 1, with ad-lib.]
Melody 4 [Progression x 1, with ad-lib.]
Solo [Progression x 1.]
Melody 4 [Progression x 1, with ad-lib.]
Stop at end of last Melody.
The following three songs were originally meant to be played as a 3-song medley.
10 She’s A Flame
Key E. Quick 4/4. Jazzy Latin style groove.
|| E9 | A7 | E9 | E9 || A7 | A9 A7 | [Basic groove.]
| E9 E𝄬9 | D9 D𝄬9 || C9 | B9 | [Chromatic walkdown; off-time changes.]
| E9 G9 | G𝄬9 F9 || [Chromatic walkdown from G9; off-time changes.]
Intro [Progression x 1, chords only.]
Verse 1 [Progression x 1, with following lyrics, no ad-lib.]
You should know, I’ve been told, she’s a ball of fire.
She’s alive and she’s so fun; every man’s desire.
But if you want to take her home, be prepared to fry.
Verse 2 [Progression x 1, with following lyrics, plus ad-lib.]
She’s so hot, she’s a flame brighter than the sun.
Blinded by her light you’ll be, just by having fun.
Scorches like a fire she does, yea man, she’s the one.
Instrumental [Progression x 1, with melody, plus ad-lib.]
Verse 3 [Progression x 1, with following lyrics, plus ad-lib.]
A star she is; a famous lass, desired far and wide.
And should her eye fall upon you, you can never to hide.
So take her hand in yours my friend, and just enjoy the ride.
Verse 4 [Progression x 1, with following lyrics, plus ad-lib.]
She’s so hot, she’s a flame brighter than the sun.
Blinded by her light you’ll be, just by having fun.
Scorches like a fire she does, yea man, she’s the one.
Stop at end of Verse 4.
Short pause before next song.
11 Latin Groove 1
Instrumental. Key of A𝄬. Quick 4/4 timing. Smooth and jazzy.
|| A𝄬7 | D𝄬9 | A𝄬7 | A𝄬7 || D𝄬9 | D𝄬9 | [Basic groove.]
| A𝄬 G𝄬 | F E || [Chromatic walkdown from G𝄬; off-time changes.]
|| Cm7 | F9 | [Basic groove.]
| A𝄬 B | B𝄬 A || [Chromatic walkdown from B; off-time changes.]
Intro [Progression x 1, chords only.]
Melody 1 [Progression x 1, no ad-lib.]
Melody 2 [Progression x 1, with ad-lib.]
Solo [Progression x 1.]
Melody 3 & 4 [Progression x 2, with ad-lib.]
Stop at end of last Melody.
Very short pause before next song.
12 Latin Groove 2
Instrumental. Key of A. Moderate 4/4 timing. Easygoing jazz feel.
|| A7 | D9 | A7 | A7(add6) A7 || [Basic groove.]
|| D9 | D9 | A G | G𝄬 F || [Chromatic walkdown from G.]
|| C F | B E | A C | B B𝄬 || [Chromatic walkdown from second C.]
Intro [Progression, chords only.]
Melody 1 + 2 [Progression x 2, with ad-lib.]
Solo [Progression x 1.]
Melody 3 + 4 [Progression x 2, with ad-lib.]
Abrupt stop at end of last Melody.
13 I’ll Always Be True, Part1
Key G. Moderate 4/4 timing. Mellow Swing style.
|| G7 G7(add6) | G7 G7(add6) | G7 G7(add6) | G7 G7(add6) ||
|| C9 C9(add6) | C9 C9(add6) | G7 G7(add6) | G7 G7(add6) ||
|| D9 | C9 | G7 G7(add6) | D9 ||
Intro [Progression x 1, chords only.]
Verse + Chorus [Progression x 1, with following lyrics, no ad-lib.]
Verse: I will always be true, forever in love with you.
Chorus: I will never be blue.
Verse + Chorus [Progression x 1, with following lyrics, plus ad-lib.]
Verse: You will always be true. And I will be here for you.
Chorus: You will never be blue.
Instrumental Part [Progression x 1, with melody, no ad-lib.]
Verse + Chorus [Progression x 1, with following lyrics, plus ad-lib.]
Verse: I will always love you, and do what you want me to.
Chorus: You will never be blue.
Verse + Chorus [Progression x 1, with following lyrics, plus ad-lib.]
Verse: I will always be true, forever in love with you.
Chorus: I will never be blue.
Instrumental Part [Progression x 1, with melody, plus ad-lib.]
Solo + Chorus [Progression x 1, solo, with Chorus near end.]
Chorus: You will never be blue.
No pause before next song.
14 I’ll Always Be True, Part 2
Instrumental. Key of G. Up-beat 4/4 timing. Old-School Swing style.
Intro || D9 | C9 | G7 | D9 ||
|| G7 | G7 | G7 | G7 || C9 | C9 | G7 | G7 || D9 | C9 | G7 | D9 ||
Intro [Chords only.]
Melody 1 [Progression x 1, no ad-lib.]
Melody 2 [Progression x 1, with ad-lib.]
Solo [Progression x 1.]
Melody 3 + 4 [Progression x 2, with ad-lib.]
End || G || [Fermata.]
15 You’re So Fine
Key Am. Moderate 4/4 timing. Soft-Rock groove.
Intro || Em7 | Em7 | Dm7 | Dm7 || Am7 | Am7 | Em | Em ||
Verse || Am7 | Am7 | Am7 | Am7 || Am7 | Am7 | Am7 | Am7 ||
|| Dm7 | Dm7 | Dm7 | Dm7 || Am7 | Am7 | Am7 | Am7 ||
Chorus || Em7 | Em7 | Dm7 | Dm7 || Am7 | Am7 | Em | Em ||
Intro [Chords only.]
Verse 1 [Verse Chords x 1, with following lyrics, no ad-lib.]
I can’t think of being without you. It never enters my mind.
I can’t think of being without you. I dream of you all the time.
I’m so blue when you’re not around. I think of you day & night.
I get so blue when you’re not in town, ‘cause baby you’re fine.
Chorus 1 [Chorus Chords x 1, with following lyrics, no ad-lib.]
I don’t know what I’d do, if I did not have you.
I can’t imagine life without you. You’re mine.
Instrumental Part [Verse then Chorus chords, with melody plus ad-lib.]
Verse 2 [Verse Chords x 1, with following lyrics, plus ad-lib.]
I’m so down when you’re not around. I want to see you again.
I’m such a clown with you not around. You make me feel like a man.
I’m so blue when you’re not with me. I can’t believe this can be.
I get so blue when you’re not around, ‘cause you’re devine.
Chorus 2 [Chorus Chords x 1, with following lyrics, plus ad-lib,]
I don’t know what I’d do, if I did not have you.
I can’t imagine my life without you. You’re so fine.
Instrumental Part [Verse then Chorus chords, with melody plus ad-lib.]
Solo [Verse then Chorus chords for solo.]
Instrumental Part [Verse then Chorus chords, with melody plus ad-lib.]
End || Am || [Fermata.]
16 Tell Me
Key C. Moderately Slow 4/4 timing. Southern-Rock groove.
|| C Csus | C Csus | C Csus | C Csus || C Csus | C Csus | C Csus | C Csus ||
|| F B𝄬 | F B𝄬 | C Csus | C Csus || B𝄬 F | C G | B𝄬 F | G ||
Note: First four measures of Progression are always chords only.
Verse 1 [Progression x 1, with following lyrics, no ad-lib.]
I should know you. You should know me.
We should be like friends to the end.
Been together, been together so long.
You don’t know me. I don’t know you. We don’t know a thing.
Verse 2 [Progression x 1, with following lyrics, plus ad-lib.]
Let me know you, ‘cause I love you.
Let me know just, how you feel.
I can take it. I can take it all.
You can tell me, what you want me, what you want me to do.
Instrumental Part [Progression x 1, with melody plus ad-lib.]
Verse 3 [Progression x 1, with following lyrics, plus ad-lib.]
I will know you. You will know me.
We have been in love this long.
Been together, like a story in song.
We can make it, make it together. Make it on our own.
Verse 4 [Progression x 1, with following lyrics, plus ad-lib.]
Now I know you, and you know me.
We are like, friends to the end.
Been together, been together so long.
You can tell me, what you want me, what you want me to do.
Instrumental Part [Progression x 1, with melody plus ad-lib.]
End || C || [Fermata with long sustain, brief fade.]
17 Can I Bother You
Key A. Moderately Fast 4/4 timing. Country-Rock beat.
|| Eadd9 | Eadd9 | Dadd9 | D9 || A | A | A | E5 ||
|| A | A | A | A || A | A | A | A || D9 | D9 | D9 | D9 || A | A | A | A ||
|| Eadd9 | Eadd9 | Dadd9 | D9 || A | A | A | E5 ||
Intro [Chords only.]
Verse + Chorus [Verse then Chorus chords, with these lyrics, no ad-lib.]
Verse: Do you, do you look at me, the way that I, I look at you.
Would you, come to me, the way that I, would go to you.
Chorus: Can I bother you.
Instrumental Part [Verse then Chorus chords, with melody plus ad-lib.]
Verse + Chorus [Verse then Chorus chords, with these lyrics plus ad-lib.]
Verse: Will you, be lovin’ me, the way that I will, be lovin’ you.
Can you, get to me, the way that I can, I can get to you.
Chorus: Can I bother you?
Instrumental Part [Verse then Chorus chords, with melody plus ad-lib.]
Solo [Verse then Chorus chords.]
Instrumental Part [Verse then Chorus chords, with melody plus ad-lib.]
Solo [Verse then Chorus chords.]
Instrumental Part [Verse then Chorus chords, with melody plus ad-lib.]
Outro [Hold A eight 4-bar phrases w. Chorus melody in 2nd, 4th, 6th phrases.]
End || A || [Fermata with long sustain.]
Founder: Kurtus Richter
Consider my Blog at
my guitar lessons at
and other music at (3 albums)
or at (8 albums).
And get the chords to all of my songs with the following link.
Chords for Kurtus's Songs
Instrumental guitar-music only.
Contact Info: phone (828) 279-0955, email
Music Resume’
Talents: Electric Guitar, Bass-Guitar, Guitar Technology, Audio Engineering.
North Carolina
Born and raised in North Carolina. Obtained first guitar at age 12; learned to play by ear. Played trombone in Jr. High School, where first learned music theory. Began composing original guitar-music at age 16. Won High School talent-show with first rock-band (at age 17). Aced course in music theory in High School (at age 17). Designed original guitar on-paper, and started studying basic electronics (at age 19). Played part-time in volunteer religious orchestras (Christian) for 3 years. Became guitar repairman and teacher at small music store (at age 23). Spent much time jamming around town with garage bands (from age 16 to age 24).
Moved to Texas at age 24. Started studying math and physics and doing library research as new hobbies. Kept day-jobs as repairman while jamming around town with garage bands. Earned a certificate in electronics repair; started focus on audio electronics design. Founded the East Texas Musicians Association, in Tyler, TX (in 1983), a non-profit, sponsoring shows and serving as a musician’s referral service. Also continued practicing the guitar and composing original songs.
Moved to Denver at age 32. Continued library research and began to write fiction as a new hobby, in addition to continuing practicing the guitar and writing originals. Kept day-jobs in repair while working part-time as a lead-guitarist in nightclubs (for 6 years). Became locally popular under the stage-name Kurtus Maximus. Also continued studying audio electronics, in addition to studying electrical and electronics technology to enhance day-job skills. Here, it was while working with Rock-bands in those years that took me to the shredder level.
North Carolina
Moved back to North Carolina at age 39. Kept day jobs in repair trades while working part-time as a guitarist in nightclubs. Also worked part-time as an audio engineer (sound-man) for regional bands. Spent a year playing lead-guitar with house-band at a large nightclub. Taught guitar for two semesters at Isothermal Community College, Spindale, NC. Wrote lesson-book Instructions for Guitar. Began designing guitar amplifiers and effects-devices (mostly on paper, but building some prototypes here and there). Attended college at Isothermal, where I also worked part-time as an audio-video technician. Started writing a technical manual titled Electric-Guitar Data and Analog-Circuit Collection (now completed and published online). Graduated with 3-year AS Degree in Math and Computers from Isothermal, then spent 1.5 years as a full-time student in the Physics program at the University of North Carolina at Asheville. Also, while in college I studied theoretical physics and mathematics far in excess of curriculum requirements, and completed the first recordings of 3 hours of originals.
This highlights my major musical accomplishments but gives little detail. For instance, it does not say that I have spent my entire working life, from age 16, practicing the guitar as much and as often as I could while holding down day-jobs (finally becoming a professional Industrial Engineer by my mid fifties). I also continued to learn many popular songs, write my own stuff, and practice difficult scales and licks on a routine basis. In Denver, besides learning leads note-for-note from Rock songs and Fusion music by famous players (such as Van-Halen, Satriani, Slash, and others) for working in bands, I also did a lot of note-for-note learning just for personal benefit. While in Denver, I put in three years each with two Rock-bands that became very popular locally; playing cover-tunes in beer-halls and biker-bars. It was there that I established myself as a shredder, acquired stage-name Kurtus Maximus (given to me by a drummer), and started getting advertised by name in a local entertainment weekly, before deciding to move back to North Carolina. I am now retired and divide my time between making recordings, composing new songs, playing in two bands, including The Tremblors, writing fiction novels, and doing research for my novels.
Contact Information: Cell (828) 279-0955. Email